
Microphone Guide and Uses

There are more microphone choices than ever before. There could be a whole book on just microphones and their uses. The fol…

Microphone Guide

Microphones, or mics, are used to capture a sound much like our ears. Microphones are one of an audio engineer's finest…

How the Ear Works

Like a microphone, the ear is a transducer. Our ears convert acoustic sound vibrations into mechanical energy which is then…

What is Sound?

Sound is a vibration or a series of vibrations that move through the air. Anything that creates the vibrations, or waves, i…

Antara Aku, Kau, dan BlackBerry

Ok mpok, kite mulai aje penjelahan kite dalam dunia BlackBerry . Kalo kemaren kite sudah cerite dikit mengenai sejarah dan…

Mimpi BlackBerry

Eh.. si mpok, ketemu lagi kite. Eh... mpok, pernah denger tentang BlackBerry kaga? Bukan mpok, BlackBerry yang aye maksud i…

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